Monday, March 15, 2010


This product may look friendly. I mean it's pink, its got those little balls in it that everyone loves and on the commercial the user looks so refreshed and happy after they use it. But let me tell you, if you have sensitive skin and only occasional break outs: this is NOT the product for you. This product is more for someone who has severe acne or tough skin. I bought this product only a few days ago and by day two I now have a chemical burn on my face. A freakin' chemical burn from pink face gunk. What fun. This product left my skin feeling rough, hot and in pain. Although, if your smart and check reviews on something before you buy it, you would find other people who have had the same problem! "I bought this product and it made my face have a rash, it was swollen, it burned, itched, and my skin was dry..." So maybe I should have done my research. Then my face wouldn't feel like it went on vacation to the Sahara desert. When I asked my pharmacist what I should do, she suggested putting aloe on it to sooth the burn. Well, the chemical burn does NOT like aloe. As soon as I put it on, I felt my face get really hot. At first, I thought, okay it's suppose to feel like this. When I put aloe on sunburn it feels really cold, so maybe on my face it's just super cold to the point of burning? No, face got even more red. So I have no clue how long my face will take to heal. I have no clue what to be putting on it to make it feel better. But my advice to every female out there, would be to avoid this product. Better yet, grab all the tubes from the counter and take them up the cashier and say, "This product is dangerous to my face, I'd like it disposed of."
Till Next Time.


  1. you should call and complain.

    ps. i want to follow you and i can't find the button!

  2. mwahaha i now follow you.

    dude, you should put some neosporin or auquaphor on it. that's what i did to mine. chemical burns appear when your skin cells are killed and then they regenerate creating that white at first then redness. if you put something on it that kills bacteria it'll help heal.
